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Student Teaching

Lessons from my year of student teaching.

Cal TPA Cycle 1: character growth and development.
Standards: RL.3.3, RL.3.1

My caltpa for this cycle was broken down into various parts, starting with character traits. This was done so that student could have access to the character development lesson. The lesson started with us practicing as a whole group, using video clips from the movie Up, and shorter texts that I created. We then transitioned to a read aloud of the the book Luna Ranchera. Finally I assesed student learning by having students read a small story and write the character traits that they saw at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story.

Cal TPA Cycle 2: Decimals
Standards: 4.NF.C.5, 4.NF.C.6, 4.NF.C.7

For Cycle 2 I needed to focus on a series of math lessons that were connected. I chose to focus on decimals and created 3 lessons that built on top of each other. First we started with converting fractions into decimals, then we moved on to mixed numbers (using money as a way to anchor the lessons to real world uses), then we finished with comparing decimals.

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Critical perspective lesson.

For my credentialing program I was tasked with creating a lesson that challenged common perspectives that are in this world. As someone who has a profound love of art I decided that I wanted art to be a large part of this lesson.

The lesson had two main focus points: first was how can we bring forwards art from cultures that have been left out of the conversation when it comes to art history?  Two how can we use art as a way communicate across barriers? I made sure I chose artist that students in my class could connect to. (I even learned about some amazing artist while researching for this lesson!)

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