Future Projects
These are some ideas of projects that I would love to do in the future.
Stroll city
My undergraduate degree was in public administration with a focus on city planning, and a big focus for today's city planners is how do we make cities more walkable? Students will use some creative thinking and research to create model city blocks that encourage people to walk instead of using cars.
The Essential question:
How do we create a walkable and livable city?
The product:
A small model city block. when students put them together it will create a small city.
Exhibition Venue:
Caltrans office building, or perhaps even a city council meeting.
Key Learning goals:
W.4.1, W.4.7 W.4.8
Students will primarily be writing persuasive essays in order to convince council members to create streets that are more walkable. Student will engage in research that backs up their claims with evidence.
Possible anchor text:
Connections to culturally responsive pedagogy:
The creation of walkable cities and communities is an issue all through out America, however the issue is much more prominent in poor communities. The effects are also felt more in lower income communities. As an example people with low income are less likely to have a car and therefor working somewhere that isn't within walking distance can cause stress and other financial hardships. Studies also show that children raised in walkable communities often earn more than those who do not.
A quick mock city block with elements to make it more walkable!