My teaching superpowers:
I am able to get students to participate in lessons, by making lessons fun and engaging.
I am great at listening to students and using their funds of knowledge to create lessons that are equitable and accessible to all students.
My two areas of growth
I want to become stronger at time management with my lessons, I believe I have room to grow with my pacing.
I still need to learn more about backward planning for my class. While I believe Sam has done a great job of teaching me about planning for a classroom, I still believe there is a lot to learn.
How might I questions
How might I differentiate my lessons in more ways so that various learners can all see success? I want all students to have the opportunity to succeed in my classroom, and I know that each student will have their strengths and weaknesses. I want more ideas in my "teacher's tool belt" so that I can always give students the best chance of success.
How might I engage students in critical consciousness in regards to institutional racism in a way that is both age appropriate and meaningful?
During my time as a student teacher, I feel that I have grown a great deal, I have had two amazing mentors that have really shown me the ropes. That being said I still feel that there is so much for me to learn, and I am honestly excited to continue that learning in the future. As an artist I have a personal philosophy: "you can always get better". I feel that this can really apply to teaching as well, I theorize that even in my fifth or tenth year of teaching I will still be learning new things and perfecting my craft. Even in areas where I feel that I am strong, I know that I can still be even better. I know that the road ahead can and will be rough, but I know that it will also be rewarding and fulfilling.